Arianna Sikorski
Poet • Artist • Traveler
Serenity's Playtime with Seung Yul Oh
If you do not climb
up serenity's playful mountain,
then you
will never find childish delight.
Awaken the brilliant energy of inhibition,
fall back to enveloped assurance,
and know all you are
that is hidden, is lovely.
It begs
to be played with.
It pleads
to be known.
Do not neglect
the energetic,
the sparkling laughter
of champagne bubbles.
Some may judge you
in your new sporadic behavior,
but you know otherwise.
Edified, there is no limit.
And now that you have been held,
been comforted,
been given room to play,
there is no turning back.
There is no wall
of boundary not broken,
and you can giggle
at the enchanted.
©2014 Arianna Sikorski All Rights Reserved

Written while lying on Seung Yul Oh's Sphere Square at the MOAMOA, A Decade exhibit. Photo from City Gallery Wellington.
A heartfelt thank you to City Gallery Wellington for sharing on their website: