Without Borders
After my time in France, I've been hopping around a bit more and visiting friends in Europe. Traveling on the cheap means you use things...

Most FAQ Answered (Pt. 5/5)
I've been traveling on my own for almost a year and a half now, which has led me to observe quite a few common assumptions I encounter...

Most FAQ Answered (Pt. 4/5)
I've been traveling on my own for almost a year and a half now, which has led me to observe quite a few common assumptions I encounter...

Most FAQ Answered (Pt. 3/5)
I've been traveling on my own for almost a year and a half now, which has led me to observe quite a few common assumptions I encounter...

Most FAQ Answered (Pt. 2/5)
I've been traveling on my own for almost a year and a half now, which has led me to observe quite a few common assumptions I encounter...

Most FAQ Answered (Pt. 1/5)
I AM AN EXPAT Although the term expat defines people who temporarily or permanently live outside their own country, somehow I have...

Eating Greens is a REAL Treat
I don't know about you, but I grew up on Bambi memorizing Thumper's life recitation about greens. Although I never had much trouble as a...

Je ne sais pas
This is what I am here for, why France was the target location for my next adventure. A chance to immerse myself in another language, a...

Homeland Foreigner
Over a year of New Zealand living has ended. That concept hasn't really sunk in, even though I write this sitting in the grassy green...

Trolls vs. Elves
If New Zealand is some fairyland, a place where elves and nymphs reside, then Iceland is certainly the homeland of trolls and other such...