Homeland Foreigner
Over a year of New Zealand living has ended. That concept hasn't really sunk in, even though I write this sitting in the grassy green...

Trolls vs. Elves
If New Zealand is some fairyland, a place where elves and nymphs reside, then Iceland is certainly the homeland of trolls and other such...

Transition to Memories
It's strange to realize I am coming up on finishing my second week back in Los Angeles. What a contrast to my first two weeks in New...

The Real BFG
The Big Friendly Giant is real, alive, and not living in England. He is working at the Milford Track in New Zealand, of course, under the...

Vineyard Life in Another's Shoes
One part of this experience I love is meeting other WWOOFers from all sorts of places and hearing their stories, why they are traveling,...

Sounds Like Paradise
Christmas Eve has come and for the first time in my life I am not hanging decorations with family, buying fireworks for New Years,...

Not So Glamorous
Six months and thirteen hosts later, I find myself back in Wellington with a map of the North Island spread across my lap marking...

Barefoot Bars and Pub Cats
I was warned several times while in Whitianga and Tauranga that heading to Gisborne was a different place. That Bay of Plenty and Poverty...

Hitchhiking, A Lost Transport
I think it is safe to assume that my generation, at least in America, does not categorize hitchhiking as any sort of legitimate mode of...

On The Hunt
Well it's happened, I've gone possum hunting. I know, I know, my Californian and Australian friends will gasp and judge, but in New...