Most FAQ Answered (Pt. 2/5)

I've been traveling on my own for almost a year and a half now, which has led me to observe quite a few common assumptions I encounter upon people coming in contact with me and my current lifestyle. Here are the top ten in no particular order I thought important to share as well as shed some truth on the matter. They are broken up into five parts for length and convenience. Enjoy!
One of the most common questions I come across is, "how are you doing this?" I hate to disappoint, but I am not in possession of any great wealth. I simply live in a lifestyle where time is my commodity and cash is not. This means I live as cheaply as possible, reduce any bill I can and feel nervous when I buy anything. Absolutely anything, because I know any item purchased (from food to shampoo) comes out of my savings. Yes. This is based on a meager budget of savings, a cushion I set aside when I began working in my twenties. It's not much. It decreases every day (obviously). But I also work my way through my travels, exchanging labor for food, housing and cultural and agricultural experiences. I don't buy extravagantly and I look for the free sites. Life is a tradeoff. To achieve this lifestyle, I exchange financial security for cultural experience and encounter the overwhelming generosity of humanity in others.
Learning about organic farming, self-sustainability and permaculture, living out of a backpack, trusting strangers, hitch hiking and getting used to (but not comfortable with) not always having an opportunity to shower every day. Eep. It does sound suspiciously 60s, I'll grant you that. I suppose the only thing missing is long hair, no bra, free love sex and some weed. Once again, I hate to disappoint my free world loving wanderers, but don't let my farm hat and sweatshirts fool you. My wistful eye covets shop windows of style and I frequently exhale enormous tiresome sighs when hauling my backpack. This lifestyle is for a time to learn and experience. What I do love about it is that, so far, it is an absolute living example that there is good in the world and we should feel far more free to embrace it. You don't need much to experience a lot and share with others. If that is a modern day hippy concept of free love, then by all means plop me into that category. Just remove images of strong scented incense, sex with strangers and deep spirit flows from my daily routine.