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Panda Porn Princess

My WWOOF host is an interesting man of silly jokes, unique life stories (his time as a cowboy in Israel is a good one) and just a lovely human being of deep thought and personal evolution. Which makes me all the more delighted to see him taking on poetry. Apparently, my written work (shameless plug for Brave the Awkward appropriate here?) and keen interest to read and meet NZ poets has inspired him to explore his own dangerous world of deep metaphors and lyrical language. He may even read at the next open mic! To my great embarrassment and pride, however, I have become a topic of adventure in this new voice he is discovering. Yes. I am the Panda Porn Princess. Obviously, this title begs explanation. I hesitate to give it to you, however, due to one motto I have learned here -- "never let the truth get in the way of a good story." Holding true to that wisdom, it would take me much longer to dive into the long sordid tale of my time in China that is so commonly misunderstood. But what I will reveal is that Panda porn is a true story found here. If that information shared can inspire humorous rhyme or tender words to a NZ farmer's beloved, then dagnabit, I'm the Panda Porn Princess. Someone has found an interest in approaching words with new eyes that bring humor, healing and love to those dearest to him. And that, beyond anything else, is a gifted moment. A true purpose and I am privileged to be part of it. To my fellow poets -- keep writing! Someone is listening and may find their own unique voice of process that is so precious in this fearful world. Which, in a life of planting harakeke and mānuka right now, it is impossible not to notice how growth is always an important element to produce and sustain life. And it might involve a panda. It might involve controversy. But most importantly, it might just define a new role of identity.

[Image was taken at The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington. Find my 5 min. contribution -- it begins with "How rugged here…"]

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