Arianna Sikorski
Poet • Artist • Traveler

Ascent Over Tangariro Eruptions
Eruptions are not careless happenings
some uncontrollable spew of bad tidings.
Though danger and life hazards follow in their wake
we have classified these explosions as moments to avoid.
Loss becomes ruin.
Environment shifts defined as destruction.
And we post monuments for those “good ol’ days”
unable to retrieve and resistance to adapt.
Believing ascent of volcanic proportions more difficult
than the spiraling descent we accept with ease.
But anyone who has crossed this path before knows the mountain’s truth.
Descent is far more painful, more strenuous and damaging
than the beginner’s courage to continue up.
So ascend once more my friend
the three emerald sisters await you at the top.
And there is new life, new beauty and healing waters amidst this burnt rock.
Adapt and eruptions will reveal their stunning purpose.
©2014 Arianna Sikorski All Rights Reserved
Written and released at Orakei Korako Cave & Thermal Park.
Leaf from Tongariro Alpine Crossing in Taupo, NZ.