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Arianna Sikorski
Poet • Artist • Traveler




Strait Strides
Brave strides she rides across the sea,
a path for broken lands.
A ferry be her course and speed,
approaching southern sands.
Unknowns ahead and fears behind,
a glistening waters gate.
She eyes horizon’s open swells,
and patience dissipates.
Adventure is her crown today,
her wander shoes are worn.
Her train is filled with mountain waves,
iced with snowcapped foam.
Eagerness is always found,
under her gentle reign.
And when she stands on solid ground,
she’ll never be the same.
©2014 Arianna Sikorski All Rights Reserved
Written and released over Cook Strait.
Leaf from Whareroa Farms
in Paekakariki, NZ.

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